After seven years of operations, WA Primary Health Alliance is celebrating progress towards helping people get the care they need, closer to home, and experience better health outcomes and quality of life.
Our strategic priorities have continued to guide us towards our vision of a more integrated primary health care system, one that minimises barriers to accessing care and ensures those with the greatest health needs are cared for as close to home as possible.
Hear from our Chair and CEO about realising our full potential, nationally and close to home.
During the past year, we have invested about $130 million across 301 different services and programs to improve the health and wellbeing of Western Australians, with a trend toward co-design with service providers, clinicians and consumers.
From opening headspace Karratha to awarding suicide prevention grants to 10 local governments, supporting COVID-19 vaxathons and opening WA’s first Head to Health adult mental health centre, it has been a highly rewarding year for our commissioning and primary care support teams.
Hear how we commissioned services, improved primary care and prioritised an integrated health system around the state.
You can also read about our progress towards our Health Priorities in our new Report Cards.
Visit our 2020-21 Year in Review to read about our highlights and key achievements over the past year, including our progress towards our seven Health Priorities in our new Report Cards, as we work to deliver better health, together.