Better health, together: LGBTI health

This month, WA Primary Health Alliance CEO, Learne Durrington chats to LGBTI advocate and WA Primary Health Alliance Community Advisory Council member, Misty Farquhar about the role the primary care sector has to play in ensuring LGBTI people can access safe, inclusive and culturally appropriate health services.

WA Primary Health Alliance has an important leadership role in advocating for safe, inclusive and culturally appropriate services for LGBTI people, a disproportionate number of whom experience poorer mental health outcomes, have higher risk of suicidal behaviours than their peers and experience discrimination, harassment and hostility in many parts of everyday life, including accessing health services.

We are working towards achieving Rainbow Tick accreditation by mid-2019, a set of standards that supports organisations to develop and implement inclusive practices for LGBTI communities.

This will demonstrate our commitment to promoting LGBTI pride, diversity and inclusion within the organisation and the primary and social care sectors.

You can also find out more by visiting our LGBTI position statement.