We are thrilled to be celebrating the 200th edition of our highly valued Practice Connect newsletter, connecting general practice staff to the latest industry news, events and resources, every fortnight for over six years!
Practice Connect was first published in 2018 as part of Practice Assist, our joint initiative with Rural Health West to provide an integrated support service to general practices across Western Australia.

WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) Executive General Manager Bernadette Kenny says Practice Connect is dedicated to strengthening general practices through providing practice teams with the information and resources they need in the evolving primary care landscape.
“So much work goes into each edition of Practice Connect to ensure it is of high value and addressing the current issues, as they happen.
“The Practice Connect team is embedded within Practice Assist, so a great deal of the content is in direct response to what our Primary Care Navigators are hearing on the ground from local practices.
I am so proud to see the 200th edition go out today to more than 2700 readers.”
Practice Connect has tackled a broad range of issues facing general practice, the most read topics and most downloaded resources over the last 12 months including:
- MyMedicare practice and patient registration
- Medicare Benefits Schedule updates
- Strengthening Medicare General Practice Grants Program
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza vaccination
- Free WA influenza vaccination program
- Practice Assist Immunisation Tool Kit
- Practice Assist Year Planner
Of course, each edition would not be complete without a Good News Story highlighting the innovation and dedication of hardworking general practice teams across WA. To celebrate edition 200, Practice Connect Editor (and WAPHA Primary Care Navigator), Fiona Tillotson has selected some of the most read stories:
- Enhancing multidisciplinary care for CHF patients with non-dispensing pharmacists
- Leveraging the Primary Sense data tool for improved patient care
- Grove Medical boosting infant RSV immunisation in their community
- Collaboration key to supporting patients with endometriosis and pelvic pain
- Lockridge Medical Centre celebrates NAIDOC Week
- General practices collaborate and educate vulnerable and CALD patients
- Garden Family Medical Clinic hosts a Teddy Bear Hospital
- WAPHA staff visit general practices across the Goldfields
Thank you to all our readers for helping us reach this milestone of 200 editions. We value your ongoing support and welcome your questions and feedback, which can be provided by emailing practiceassist@wapha.org.au or calling 1800 2 ASSIST (1800 2 277 478).
If you haven’t done so already, please take a moment to subscribe to Practice Connect to receive our fortnightly newsletter straight to your inbox every fortnight.