WA LGBTI Health Strategy: Diverse Communities, Diverse Care

The WA LGBTI Health Strategy for 2019-2024 was recently released by the WA Department of Health. The first of its kind in WA, the strategy sets out to improve health outcomes for Western Australians who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI).

As part of the WA LGBTI Health Strategy Reference Group, WA Primary Health Alliance helped develop the strategy along with extensive input from local LGBTI community members and health service providers to better address LGBTI physical and mental health care needs. During the development process, more than 600 submissions were received, detailing the priorities individuals from the LGBTI communities would like to see addressed.

As a result, six priority areas were identified in the strategy which will help lead to better health outcomes for LGBTI people over a five-year period. These include promoting accessible and inclusive health services, leadership, affirmative practices, access to LGBTI specific resources and services, research, education and training.

In 2018, WA Primary Health Alliance began our journey towards achieving Rainbow Tick accreditation, which involves meeting the six national standards of LGBTI inclusive practice. The Rainbow Tick is essentially a confidence mark that signals an organisation has reached a high standard of diversity and inclusiveness.

For more information about our involvement with Rainbow Tick accreditation, click here.