On 1 July 2021, voluntary assisted dying (VAD) became a legal end of life choice for eligible Western Australians. The WA Department of Health reports that over the past three years, VAD activity has been higher than expected and continues to increase. To assist in meeting service demand, WA Health has recently implemented VAD Practitioner Fee for Service Payments, to support medical and nurse practitioners providing VAD services.
This payment model was developed to ensure VAD is an equitable end of life care choice for patients, regardless of their financial capacity, while supporting a sustainable workforce.
Under this arrangement VAD practitioners working in a private capacity, can claim a fixed fee for VAD services.
More information can be found in the Western Australian Voluntary Assisted Dying – Practitioner fee for service payment guidelines or by contacting the End of Life Care Program via email to EOLCP.AP@health.wa.gov.au.
To apply for access to the WA VAD Approved Training, please register via VAD-IMS. When applying, you will need to have the following supporting information and documents ready to upload:
- Contact details of two professional referees
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae that demonstrates your clinical experience, including length of practice in the clinical profession and experience in roles that include patient assessment and clinical decision making.
- Self-captured photo holding a current photographic identity document (e.g. valid passport or Australian driver’s license, Australian Immi Card or government issued proof of age card).
Reimbursement, for time taken to complete the training, may be available through the Regional Access Support Scheme, for medical and nurse practitioners in regional areas.
Contact the Statewide Care Navigator Service via email to VADcarenavigator@health.wa.gov.au for more details.