A strong commitment to keeping the Peel region safe has seen Halls Head Respiratory/ Commonwealth Vaccination Clinic named in the top three GP clinics delivering COVID-19 vaccines nationally.
The clinic’s biggest daily total saw staff administer 255 vaccines, meeting the needs of the large local population as the only vaccinating clinic in the region.
Clinical nurse manager Kerri Dawson described the clinic as a well-oiled machine, thanks to its streamlined set up.
“On average we’re administering 160 to 180 vaccines a day,” she said.
A well-oiled machine
When a patient walks into the clinic which is conveniently located behind Modern Medical Clinics in a modified for purpose building, two administration staff are manning the computers.
One checks the Australian Immunisation Register to confirm the vaccine dose the patient is receiving that appointment, while the other is checking for consent.
From there – AstraZeneca and Pfizer patients are clearly separated using a clever system to ensure they receive the correct vaccine.
AstraZeneca patients receive a number in the queue from one to 30, Pfizer patients receive a number from 30 to 60.
Yellow kidney dishes are used for Pfizer, green for AstraZeneca.
Even the forms used are coloured according to vaccine (yellow and orange paper is used for Pfizer, while white and blue is used for AstraZeneca).
Staffing is key to success

GPs employed at Modern Medical volunteer to go on a roster to man a walkie talkie.
During the day they could be called to different parts of the clinic to answer questions about vaccines from patients, to help if someone is feeling unwell or to assist with an emergency situation.
Two nursing staff are on hand to draw up immunisations, one of them is also responsible for keeping an eye on the post-vaccination waiting area.
While another two-nursing staff administer the vaccines in either the Pfizer room or the AstraZeneca room.
“We do suggest patients who are vaccine hesitant book time with a GP for an in-depth discussion,” Ms Dawson said.
“Particularly over 60s who might be nervous about receiving AstraZeneca.”
The biggest vaccinators in the Peel region
There is no State-run vaccination clinic in the Peel region, which means Halls Head Vaccine/Respiratory Clinic has had to step up to fill patient demand for COVID-19 vaccines.
The clinic staff also abhor wasted doses.
“At the end of the day we call or visit neighbouring business’ and ask if they want a vaccine,” Ms Dawson said
Find out more about our role in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.