New Skills in Demand visa offers streamlined process for employing overseas health professionals

The Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa has been replaced by the Skills in Demand (SID) visa.

Key differences for general practices in the process of or considering employing an overseas health professional include:

  • Expedited visa processing times: While the processing time of the 482 TSS visa averaged around three months, the new SID visa range is processed from seven to 21 days, depending on the classification of the health professional’s occupation.
  • Greater flexibility in finding a new employer sponsor if the original employment ends: Visa holders now have 180 days to find a new place of practice should the need arise.
  • Reduced work experience requirement: The new SID visa only requires one year of relevant work experience in the last five years, reduced from two years previously required on the 482 TSS.
  • Cumulative employment period for residency: Permanent residency options are still available after two years of employment in Australia in the same occupation, however the SID allows for that employment to be with multiple employers, rather than the same employer rule under the 482 TSS.

Rural Health West anticipates further changes that may benefit rural employers. Practices are encouraged to keep in touch with their Workforce Solutions Team for further updates and contact with visa-related questions.