Ensuring your patients with dementia are supported to live as well as possible

GPs play a vital role in helping patients to understand their medical condition and to plan for the future. Tailored for health professionals, Dementia Australia offers an abundance of resources and information that will help patients to be able to live as well as possible.

The GP Referrer Pack has an outline of services available for pre-diagnosis, post diagnosis and ongoing care for your patient provided by Dementia Australia. It also contains information on resources available to assist with a timely diagnosis and a script pad for timely and direct referrals.

Download the resources via the Dementia Australia website or elect to receive your kit in the mail here.

For more information or support, your patients can call the National Dementia Helpline on

1800 100 500, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year or visit dementia.org.au for advice.