Collaborating to vaccinate remote populations

About 350 COVID-19 vaccinations were administered to community members and staff in a recent ‘vaxathon’ at Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service (PAMS) in the remote Pilbara.

PAMS CEO Robby Chibawe, PAMS Chairperson Melvin Famer, and PAMS Cultural Wellbeing Officer and Community Elder Desmond Taylor at Martumili Arts Centre

Leading the way, Martu and Nyiyaparli Elders at the PAMS vaccination clinic inspired other community members to also receive their vaccines.

Planning ways to reach vulnerable populations and address gaps in some of our state’s most hard to reach areas is a critical task.

WA Primary Health Alliance has been collaborating with vaccine providers to provide increased opportunity for rural and remote communities to access COVID-19 vaccinations.  This includes general practices, WA Country Health Service, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, and the Royal Flying Doctor Service

Additionally, the mining sector has partnered with vaccine providers to provide mass vaccination clinics in Tom Price, Paraburdoo, and Newman throughout September and October.

Find out more about our role in the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout.