Telehealth carts having positive impact in aged care homes across WA

Telehealth carts have now been assigned to 150 residential aged care homes (RACHs) across the state with 105 already set up and the rest in transit expected to reach RACHs within the next three months. 

WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) commissioned telehealth technology provider Visionflex to deploy the carts equipped with video camera capabilities, a digital stethoscope, pulse oximeter, blood pressure cuff and a state-of-the-art examination camera. 

The carts will improve the quality and accessibility of primary care services for residents, reduce the need for travel, unnecessary hospitalisations, and allow for early detection and treatment of chronic conditions. 

The technology will also be useful during COVID-19 outbreaks, allowing access to care without compromising the health of residents, GPs and other health professionals. 

The response from RACHs who have received the equipment has been overwhelmingly positive.  

“The process is quick and efficient, and the cart allows for a full telehealth assessment with the nurse practitioner and GP being able to see the patient, other health practitioners and clinical data like vital observations that are displayed instantaneously on the screen.”

“In time once more staff have been trained and feel comfortable with the setup, it will become a very important piece of infrastructure within the facility.” – Max, Nurse Practitioner at Juniper 

WAPHAs dedicated digital health team have been travelling across the state to engage with general practices and RACHs, offering education and assistance and finding out first-hand how the telehealth carts care making a positive impact.  

Additional training and helpful guides are being developed by Visionflex, with WAPHA also soon to announce telehealth training for GPs. 

Following the success of the rollout, additional funding is available for a limited time to offer the technology to RACHs who may have missed out. RACHs that have not received the equipment and are interested in receiving a cart or learning more about the program should contact

Read more about how we are taking on an enhanced role in supporting the health and wellbeing of older Australians through our Aged Care Program. 

The equipment has been made available through funding under the Australian Government Aged Care Reform Package.