Local consultation to inform Pilbara mental health service

Anglicare WA will carry out a comprehensive planning and consultation process to inform a robust service delivery model for the Integrated Primary Mental Health Care service in the Pilbara.

This marks the start of a preferred service provider procurement process between WA Primary Health Alliance, the funder of the service, and Anglicare WA, with the redeveloped service anticipated to start late 2024.

This preparatory work will ensure the service can respond to local need in a remote location, considering the context and complexities of the Pilbara, and deliver the best mental health outcomes for the region.

Anglicare WA will be well placed to deliver the service due to its strong local presence and relationships, as well as significant experience in delivering mental health services in regional and remote locations.

Current operator of the service, Mission Australia, has been supporting all existing patients to transition out of the service, source alternative supports or refer them back to their GP.

In the interim, GPs in the Pilbara can refer patients needing mental health support via the Head to Health phone line on 1800 595 212, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm. This can be done while the patient is with the GP and the Head to Health intake clinician will organise to complete the assessment with the patient at a time that suits them.

People can also contact the Head to Health phone line directly, for guidance and support to access mental health treatment. Head to Health services are free and available to everyone, with more information available at www.headtohealth.gov.au

“WA Primary Health Alliance is looking forward to working with Anglicare WA to develop a service model that will respond to the unique challenges of this remote region.

“Their local knowledge and experience, as well as their established infrastructure and relationships will be invaluable in ensuring this much valued and well utilised service can continue to serve local needs.”

– WA Primary Health Alliance Executive General Manager Commissioned Services Mark Cockayne

“Anglicare WA is excited to work with WA Primary Health Alliance to broaden the mental health and wellbeing supports we offer across the Pilbara.

“We’re looking forward to working with the local community over the coming months to redevelop a service that will meet the needs of those accessing it and reflect the unique conditions of the region.

“Nobody knows more about that than the community itself, and we’re excited to deepen our long-standing connection with the people who live and work in the Pilbara.”

– Anglicare WA CEO Mark Glasson