It starts with me – Supporting COVID-19 vaccine providers to protect our community

The critical nature of the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout and the need to protect our communities and reduce the impact of the pandemic, particularly on at-risk and vulnerable populations, has never been more apparent.

We have seen the devastating consequences of the spread of the Delta variant on our doorstep with healthcare staff in NSW struggling to cope with case numbers, COVID-19 positive people dying at home and people most at-risk of adverse COVID related health outcomes too scared to seek care.

We are each called on to take strong leadership roles within our workplaces and our communities.

We have time to continue to support and nurture important partnerships between general practice, primary care, state health, healthcare providers, community organisations and other vaccination partners.

We have time to prevent the tragic circumstances occurring in New South Wales playing out within the community we know and love – by encouraging our friends and families to be vaccinated.

General practices participating in the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out have administered more than a million vaccines in WA, almost half of the state-wide total, which includes those given at state-run and other vaccination centres.

With vaccine supplies increasing, it should take less time to double this number ahead of a potential Delta outbreak in WA. But we know that may not be enough.

We know that vaccine providers will need our help to achieve this collective goal to protect our state.

It starts with me is our way of asking everyone to take one small action today that will combine with the subsequent actions of other Western Australians to become a powerful movement.

We think these simple steps are a great way to start.

  • Walk the walk – book your own vaccine appointment today, if you’re not already vaccinated
  • Empower your staff – encourage your staff to get vaccinated, and make it easy for them to do so
  • Work your contacts – amplify the message and encourage your networks and peer groups to get on board and get vaccinated
  • Reach out – consider practical ways to help people book an appointment and get to vaccination centres
  • Have the conversation – talk to family and friends, and tell them to speak to their own GP if unsure about getting vaccinated

You can also download these resources for use across your internal and external communications

We urge everyone to join us in helping WA COVID-19 vaccination providers to reach this critical goal, while we still have time.