Introducing The WELL Collaborative!

Do you work with people living with overweight or obesity?

The Weight Education and Lifestyle Leadership (WELL) Collaborative is collaboration between people working in the health and community sector, and people living in larger bodies who want to work together to change the way we talk and think about weight. The WELL Collaborative is led in partnership by Health Networks, WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA), and the Health Consumers’ Council (HCC).

Our focus is to change the stigmatised ways in which our society often thinks and talks about weight, to improve the quality of health services available to people who want to change their lifestyle to live healthier, on their own negotiated terms. Our focus also aims to support health professionals to work with their clients in respectful, empowering and non-stigmatising ways.

We understand that every weight journey is unique and our health and community services should be supported to respond to this need; for the health of our whole community. Check out The WELL Collaborative website at to find training on how to have supportive conversations about weight, policy resources, stories from consumers, including insights about their weight journeys, and much more.