Information on proactive syphilis testing, treatment and prevention

As many GPs will be aware, there is currently a syphilis outbreak across Australia. The WA Syphilis Outbreak Response Group is responsible for coordinating a statewide response to the increased reports of syphilis that are being experienced in WA. Of particular concern is the increasing occurrence of congenital syphilis.

In October 2023 the Communicable Disease Control Directorate issued an Alert for Clinicians highlighting two new congenital syphilis infections reported during July-August 2023 and urging doctors to offer opportunistic serologic syphilis testing to all of their sexually active patients.

Further resources for health professionals:

The Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual health Medicine (ASHM) has recently launched a dedicated Syphilis Learning Hub and hosts a free decision-making tool syphilis decision-making tool to guide clinicians through testing and treating syphilis.

WA Health provides a notifiable infectious diseases dashboard, updated in real time, which reports all syphilis notifications for the state from 2019 to today.

The Syphilis‘ HealthPathway incudes additional region-specific testing information, links to best practice clinical guidelines and guidance on where to access specialist advice and further information.

WA Primary Health Alliance is presenting a Syphilis management within general practice webinar on Monday 21 March, 6pm – 7pm.

Find out more and register here.