Hepatitis WA’s Deen Clinic is currently accepting referrals from general practice for the management of WA patients living with chronic hepatitis B and C.
The services are bulk billed to pensioner/concession card holders and private billing is provided for a $40 gap fee.
The purpose-built primary health clinic located on Aberdeen St in Northbridge provides expert clinical services in hepatitis B and C screening, along with treatment and management from specialist GPs.
The clinic also offers hepatitis C in house point-of-care testing for patients who want a quick result, and liver fibro scans to assess for liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.
Currently availability allows for many patients to be seen and commence treatment if needed with no wait times, which avoids the need to on-refer to hospital outpatient services.
Find more information and download referral forms or contact the clinic directly on 08 9227 9805 or deenclinic1@hepatitiswa.com.au.
Hepatitis WA is a not-for-profit organisation based in Northbridge, providing services to empower those affected by and living with viral hepatitis.