WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) has commissioned a short-term project with HOPE Community Services to investigate and identify barriers that may impede remote regional community members accessing home dialysis on Country. The project is called ‘Wilja Dialysis ITC Project 2018’ – Wilja means home in Wangkatja language.
The project is focused on Aboriginal clients in remote communities who need to start dialysis treatment.

The aim is to keep people in their home community while accessing treatment for renal failure. It is acknowledged that the influence of elders within a remote community has a stabilising effect on that community.
Departure from Country and family networks has a stronger impact on the wellbeing of the client than the dialysis treatment itself.
The project hopes to identify preventative solutions including education and training opportunities, support for those who may not yet need dialysis but have clinical indications which may lead to a diagnosis of renal failure.
Outcomes from the project will include identifying what community supports are required and in the process identifying ways to break down the fear of dialysis for the client and carers.
Another potential outcome could be positioning community champions in the region to provide support, awareness and respite to patients and their carers. HOPE Community Services will be working closely with clinical specialists from WA Country Health Service, Fresenius and Amana Living who are critical to successful service provision of in home dialysis in Western Australia.