Commitment to better health, together

As two important funding agencies, WA Primary Health Alliance and the Mental Health Commission have committed to explore opportunities to work together and help progress system-wide improvements across mental health, alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and suicide prevention services and programs.

WA Primary Health Alliance CEO, Learne Durrington, said the recently signed agreement is the start of a great opportunity to work together in a coordinated way to deliver services that support people with mental health and alcohol and other drug issues throughout the state.

“Through partnering with other agencies and organisations, we can achieve better system integration and can avoid repeating the same conversations with the same communities, particularly in regions such as the Kimberley where consultation fatigue is a real issue.

“Active collaboration will have benefits for stakeholders, community, government agencies and organisations alike. We are excited to get this new partnership off the ground,” Ms Durrington said.

WA Primary Health Alliance and the Mental Health Commission will be visiting Kununurra and Wyndham together in the coming months to join up consultation processes for the co-design of the Kimberley Youth AOD Service and development of headspace Kununurra.

Joint Statement MHC WAPHA Collaboration