During Mental Health Week, WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) CEO, Learne Durrington talked to Western Australian Mental Health Commissioner Timothy Marney about working together to make it easier for people to access mental health services and navigate their way through the system.
One in five Australians will be affected by a mental health disorder each year. WAPHA is committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of Western Australians.
One of the ways in which WAPHA aims to do this is by working with a range of government services, community organisations and peak bodies to reduce fragmentation between primary care, mental health, and alcohol and other drug services and supports in Western Australia.
The Mental Health Commission is one of many organisations seeking to create a more integrated and coordinated mental health and alcohol and other drug system. WAPHA has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mental Health Commission which provides a framework to improve joint planning and coordination of activity.
To provide your input into how you see the mental health landscape taking shape, visit Primary Health Exchange, our online consultation hub.